Grievance REDRESSAL Cell

As per the AICTE Regulations, 2019 Vide F. No. 1-101/PGRC/AICTE/Regulation/2019 dated 07.11.2019 following Grevance Redressal Committee is consituted in the institute for the purpose of redressal grievance of the stake holders i.e. students, faculty/staff members.


The objective of the Grievance Cell is to develop an approachable and accountable attitude among all the stakeholders in order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the in the campus with a feel of concern and sense of belonging.

The committee would strive to create a healthy on-campus atmosphere, where the stakeholders could work collectively without any inter or intra conflicts. An aggrieved stake holder can approach the committee for proper redressal of his/her grievances.

Grievance Redressal Committee
Dr. H. S. Patil Principal Chairperson
Dr. D. C. Patel Associate Professor & Head, MED Member (Faculty)
Dr. Archana M. Nayak Assistant Professor & Head, CoED Member (Faculty)
Prof. K. S. Patel Asst. Professor, CoED Member (Faculty)
Prof. D. R. Tandel Asst. Professor, MED Member Member (Faculty)
Prof. Ashish O. Jain Assistant Professor, AED Member (Faculty)
Prof. Dhruvang R. Gayakwad Assistant Professor, EED Member (Faculty)
Prof. Rajankumar J. Lad Assistant Professor, CED Member (Faculty)
Mr. Deepanshu Dubey Student Representative, AED Special Invitee


Any student/staff aggrieved by the decision of the Grievance Redressal Committee may prefer an appeal to the Ombudsperson, within a period of fifteen days from the date of receipt of such decision.

Click here to submit your Grievance